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Tax Dates

Tax SeasonTax season may not be your favorite, but that doesn’t mean it has to be painful this year. If you want to avoid getting your taxes in right before the deadline on April 18th, here are some ways to make filing and getting everything in order beforehand that much easier:

  1. Think about changes to your filing statusA lot can happen in a year! As you get ready for tax season, think about any life events that could affect your filing status for 2017. For example, if you had a child, got married, or had a son or daughter go off to college, these are all things that can impact your taxes.
  2. Contribute to your IRA–If you have been thinking about opening or contributing to a traditional or Roth IRA, your contributions for the previous year can count up to April 18th So, if you have plans to do this, it’s best to do them sooner rather than later.
  3. Consider preparation–As you get ready to do your taxes, think about how you are going to file them for the year. Our team here is always ready to help you with the process, and we’ll make sure everything is completed correctly and on time.
  4. Save all forms–When tax season arrives, you’ll probably start to see related forms show up in your mailbox. To avoid filing delays, save these documents in a secure place, like a filing cabinet, as soon as they arrive.