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How to Encourage Better Communication with Your BookkeeperYour bookkeeper is responsible for managing your business’ expenses, so it’s important to establish a good working relationship with them. If you want to make sure you and your bookkeeper are always on the same page, here are some tips to keep in mind as you go about your daily operations:

  • Stay organized–When you walk into a meeting with your bookkeeper with unorganized receipts, scraps of paper, and unopened envelopes in tow, you’re not exactly setting yourself up for success. Spend a little extra time organizing your documentation, so you never miss giving anything important to your bookkeeper.
  • Communicate your needs–Do you simply want your bookkeeper to manage your expenses? Or, do you want them to help you with compliance and growth opportunities? Let your bookkeeper know exactly what you need, so you can manage expectations accordingly.
  • Collaborate at the same time–Sending an email or a text at random times can be a helpful way to relay important information to your bookkeeper. However, there is still benefit to meeting up with your bookkeeper or scheduling an in-person meeting on a regular basis to discuss your business’ numbers.
  • Keep your bookkeeper updated–If you intend to make a large investment or a large purchase, your bookkeeper should be one of the first people to know. Make sure you are always trying to share your vision with them by involving them and updating them about key decisions.